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  صفحه اصلي   درباره Biostat.ir   مقالات   دانلود   تازه ها   پيوندها   بخش اعضاء

شما اينجا هستيد: صفحه اصلي » تازه ها » كارگاه استنباط غير پارامتري

كارگاه استنباط غير پارامتري

تاريخ: 25/1/1386 | دفعات مشاهده: 2035


Workshop on Nonparametric Inference – WNI2008

 The Workshop on Nonparametric Inference – WNI2008 is a three day event

that will take place in the Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, Portugal, on June 26-28, 2008.

The goals of this workshop are to illustrate the main trends in a number of subjects in nonparametric statistics, to facilitate the exchange of research ideas and to promote collaboration among researchers in the field.

The Organizing Committee is very happy to invite you to visit the web page of the Workshop on Nonparametric Inference – WNI2008




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