Is there any option for us to upload our files (the useful stuff) that we find to Then other users can download and use them. To be more specific, I have some excellent e-books on different subjects of statistics (mostly published by Wiley and Springer) and I would like interested people in Iran have access to them
ا14/2/1386 ا7:03 بعدازظهر
بله به زودي شرايط آن فراهم خواهد شد. تا آن زمان ممنون مي شويم اگر فايل هايتان را به آدرس بفرستيد تا به نام خودتان در سايت قرار گيرد.
ا14/2/1386 ا10:39 بعدازظهر
It would be good if you could add a new section like books (or e-books) to the website
ا15/2/1386 ا9:17 صبح
آمار دوست
در مورد شبكه هاي عصبي و چگونگي تجزيه و تحليل آنها نرم افزار مجاني سراغ داريد؟
ا15/2/1386 ا9:56 صبح
No, I don't have any software, but I have many e-book. I 'll send the e-books to the webmaster, so that they can be posted online. I am sure you can find an R library for your specific research, e.g. ( and (, and also check out ( I hope these help
ا15/2/1386 ا10:31 صبح
Another R package is VR which is a bundle of MASS, class, nnet, spatial libraries ( The 'nnet' is also used for fitting neural networks. You can find more in
ا15/2/1386 ا11:57 صبح
آمار دوست
خدا طول عمر ادمين را زياد خواهد كرد اگر اين ebook را در سايت بگذارد. نرم افزار چي ؟
ا15/2/1386 ا12:21 بعدازظهر
No, I don't have any software. I always use R, and so far I was able to do anything I wanted in R. I did not need any other software beside R for regular or even complicated analysis. Well, I use WinBUGS for Bayesian analysis though. I sometimes look at some multilevel analyzes software as well ( but as I said I almost always use R
ا15/2/1386 ا1:38 بعدازظهر
آمار دوست
پس شما را زحمت خواهم داد.
ا15/2/1386 ا2:53 بعدازظهر
دوست گرامي "ايران زمين" آدرس زير نيز جهت ارسال فايلها در اختيار شما خواهد بود.
ا15/2/1386 ا9:57 بعدازظهر
"ايران زمين" عزيز اولين سري از كتابها رسيد. به زودي آنها را در سايت قرار خواهم داد. ضمنا فضاي mailbox در هم افزايش يافت. منتظر كمك هاي بيشتر شما براي راهنمايي آمار دوستان ايران هستيم.